Monday, February 6, 2006

New Game: Can you spot the idiot?

This morning, after listening for an hour or so for a snow delay, we realized that when our school announced on Friday that Monday was not a holiday, they were serious, my kids got ready to head off to school.

Twenty minutes later, I looked out the window and saw this:

Can you spot the idiot?

How about now?

And now?  Of course I can, I gave birth to it!

Yes, that is Tony who refuses to ride the bus or get his license.  He says it's fun to ride in the snow...

What? You don't think he's a little (ahem) different?  How about this:

We were trying to decide what kind of windows we wanted for this HOTH.  We knew what we wanted them to do, we wanted them to operate smoothly, keep heat loss to a minimum, yada, yada, yada...we just couldn't decide how we wanted them to look!  We drove miles and miles, looked at old house after old house and narrowed it down to two or three.  We came home and Mark duplicated the design on our window with masking tape.  This is my favorite, a copy of an old house in town.


This is Tony's choice:

Need I say more?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This cinches it...we are DEFINTELY related. The girls like to ride in the snow too. Little weirdos that they be.

I like your choice for windows. If Tony can find a real window that looks like his, I wanna see it!!

Email later tonight...PROMISE!!