Monday, June 12, 2006

Lack of imagination?

Are these my kids?  When I was making dolls and teaching doll making classes, I thought I was queen of imagination.  I thought my kids had it too...until this weekend!

Tell me that this isn't a definite lack of imagination:

Tony works on a golf course.  He had Sunday off.  What did he do?  Took his father golfing.  (Since they did not invite me, I have no recent photos of Tony golfing, so here's my favorite old know how mothers are, can't stop showing you photos of their babies-here's mine!

Know what Andy does for a living?  He works in a kayak shop.  Guess what he did on Sunday, his day off?

Yeppers...he went kayaking!  The big difference was that they dragged me along to take photos...lots of photos!

That's Andy again.  They keep trading boats, so I have to look for the yellow (this week) helmet. 

Above:  My adopted kids:  TJ (Andy's tall bike friend) with the yellow boat.  In the blue boat is Kailyn, Andy's girlfriend and in the water is Jon, Andy's co-worker who is half fish, I swear!

The hike down to the stream was tricky for me, at best.  I kept telling the kids that if I lost my cane, they would have to carry me back up the hill.  Needless to say, they were careful, they watched over my cane more than they watched over me!

Even though I have this thing about sticking my feet into a kayak (you can't see them, it flips me out!), I had a wonderful time on dry land.  The kids are great, the stream is beautiful and I'm sure they will ask me (and my camera) to go another time.

Sunday is "'rents" day here on the hill.  Mark's father and my mother have standing dinner invitations for Sunday afternoon.  Both Mom and Dad were here when I got home.  I was instructed to get dinner ready...QUICKLY...they were starving.  After a fast dinner of whole chickens on the grill and grilled fresh pineapple, they ate and ran.  Just in time, too.  After an early start and all that fresh air, I was ready to check my eye lids for light leaks. 

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