Monday, August 15, 2005

Let's Hear it for the Girls!

Well, they made it home yesterday, proudly wearing their red ribbons and handing me over the check...for $4 total.  Yes, each one of the girls earned the tidy sum of $2. 

Come and meet them:

Here's Belinda.  You may remember meeting her when she was in the process of getting her hair done.

She sure looks different in her hand knit sweater and coordinated knickers, not to mention her smart accessories, doesn't she? Guess that's the only knitting seen on this blog in a while...

Here's Carolina, she's painted muslin, something I haven't done very often.  It's fun, but takes time and the results aren't always what I want.  She's cute, though.

And here's a close up of her face.  She does have a sweet expression, something you don't find on my dolls very often!

Yesterday was one of those days.  Mark's brother and one of his sisters did help with his dad so Mark was able to do some family things.  This is the first weekend we've had in I can't remember how many.  Friday night he took me out to dinner.  Saturday night he went golfing with Tony and yesterday he and Andy went to Erie for a Jeep rally.

I did end up going to the outlet mall with Tony...he loves to shop!  After 2394729347 stores, I did manage to find a potato ricer, something that has been on my wish list for years.

We had a great family dinner together.  Today is back to normal. Mark is staying with his father tonight and tomorrow.  On Wednesday, his sister is supposed to come in from New Jersey for a few days, so he'll get to come home.

Tonight dinner will be late since Tony works until 8...but it's just the three of us.



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