Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Today, for the last time.

I'm feeling a bit weepy...today, for the last time, we had this:

and this:

Yes, today was Andy's last first day of school.  He's a senior now.  Where has time gone?  I remember the first day of school in 1990.  I cried then too.  No, my boys weren't in school, but I was anticipating the day that did come...quickly, and now here we are, a junior and a senior, running from Mom as she requests that first day of school photo.

When we lived in our old house, we had a woman who lived across the street.  Each first day, Mary would come out to watch the kids leave.  She would comment on how big they were getting and then go back inside her house.  She never spoke again until the following September. 

Oh...what a trip down memory lane I'll take today!




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