Thursday, August 25, 2005

Oh geeze, where do I start?

Let's start with the weekend:

What appears to be a big, burned spot in my front yard is just that...a big, burned spot in my front yard.

We have/had a nest of yellow jackets on the front hill.  Mark was stung on Sunday morning.  On Sunday night, recalling the old, tried and true method of eradicating them, wait until they re-enter the nest at night and then pour kerosene on them and light them.  Easy enough?

Point 1: we only had gasoline

Point 2:  Mark asked Tony to help him

Point 3:  Tony said yes

So Mark, the boy genius that he is, lit a paper towel and handed it to Tony BEFORE he poured the gasoline.  Paper towels burn fast, you know...

So when the flames licked at Tony's fingers, he threw the towel.  Mark, in yet another moment of insanity, tried to deflect it (it would not have hit him) with the hand holding the gas can.  The gas that sloshed out when he swung it, caught on fire.  Mark threw the gas can down the hill. 

You know the sound that gas set on fire makes?  Boosh?

The bees?  I haven't seen them.  I think they died laughing.  I know our neighbors did.

Now for the rest of my life:

Today's bounty!

What I WAS knitting.

As far as I got on my next doll.

What I'm reading and have been reading for three weeks.

As you can see, I'm in a blah.  The kids are going back to school, We will be going on vacation in a month, I'm hoping to leave for Texas in two months.  I can't get moving.  I can't get motivated.  I pick things up and can't get moving. 

Someone kick me?




1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If I could stop laughing long enough, I'd be happy to volunteer for the kicking job but it's just too funny. I can laugh because the whole thing COULD happen at my house. And I'm fairly sure you'd volunteer to kick my butt when needed. I just know it...after all, we are twins. roflol.