Thursday, July 14, 2005

And even smaller things

No NEW pictures for a while, just a trip down memory lane at the end.  DH and his father left for LaFargeville, NY at 6 this morning. 

First stop was Erie where they met DH's sister and brother-in-law.  They are spending the summer, or most of it, on their yacht (we are the very poor relatives).  They had breakfast.

The next time we heard from them, my FIL had just found the grave marker of HIS great-grandfather.  Since my parents were both first generation Americans, that fascinates me.

They found Mark's great grandparents' homes, the houses of his great uncles and had dinner at the Thousand Island Inn in Clayton, NY, one of my favorite towns.  We always have to spend at least a day there when we are on our houseboat trip each fall.

They called again to say that they had the best dinner of their lives at the Inn tonight.  Dad had duck, Mark had grouper.  They had walked down to the ice cream parlor and got a cone and were sitting on the front porch of the inn watching the boats go past. 

Tomorrow they will ride over the Thousand Island Bridge, the one that my father-in-law once rode a bicycle over.  It's so high (ships go under it) that it takes my breath away.

Once in Canada, they will probably go to see the marina and hopefully the house boats that we rent in the fall. 

I don't know who is more choked up, Mark or Dad.  Both know that this is their last trip together.  Dad is simply completing the circle.

Oh the other boys are now in the garage, talking.  It makes my heart sing to watch them together, or hear them talk.  Today Andy got off work early but he went back to the bike shop becaue Tony was buying a road bike and he wanted to help him choose accessories and help fit him with a helmet.

They came home in the jeep and after the necessary ooh's and ahhh's, they went on a ride together. does make me proud.

Me?  I'm going to bed.  I hit up the used book store today and found a whole stack of books that I need to read...and I didn't knit a thing today!

Bicycling buddies, summer 1989

Sweet dreams

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