Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Small things...

I was on my way to bed when I thought I'd stop and share my joy:  there is nothing to take the place of friends...

We had a late dinner tonight.  Tony worked from open until 4, Andy went in to work at noon and worked until close.  I decided to make Andy's favorite meal, meatloaf, and hold dinner until he got home.

Mark and Tony decided to go shopping, mall hopping, to look for shorts and summer clothes on clearance.  I just got out of the tub when all three of them came climbing the driveway with...a new set of golf clubs for my birthday!

My birthday isn't until Sunday, but since Mark and his dad are leaving in the morning, they decided to celebrate early.

We all trooped out back to try Tony's driving net and although I did hit a few balls over the garage roof, I did really well.

After we finally came inside to eat, Mark cleaned up the kitchen while I checked the laundry status.  He went to bed and I sat in the living room to read for a few quiet minutes when I heard someone hooting and hollering in the driveway.

It was Meg and Debbie.  All our kids grew up together, Meg and Deb were angels as parent volunteers any time I had a special project going on at the school...Our kids swam together on the swim team, bowled on the Saturday morning league...they feel like family.

Deb's husband has lung cancer.  He just had another set back and must undergo another round of chemo.  It's been rough, but Deb has the most beautiful and comforting faith.  It not only comforts her, but those around her as well.  As a friend, I've always been so proud of her. 

Meg's two oldest boys were part of our 'extended family' and then she added two girls to the melee.  She's a cancer survivor herself, so she always seems to give us hope and yet ground us.

Sounds dreadfully dull, but tonight we sat on the patio and giggled, hooted, howled and had such a good time that I hated to see them leave.  Even the boys enjoyed it, but Andy gave me a stern, "Do you know what time it is?" when I finally walked in the 12:53!

I'm feeling mighty rich tonight!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like the best kind of night. You are sooo rich! Enjoy the clubs and happy early bday!