Thursday, July 21, 2005

Christmas in July?

Check this out:

Know what that is?  How about this?

No, we didn't start a chicken farm, those are Tony's latest eBay balls!  If you've ever wondered what 500 golf balls looks like, wonder no more.

They say it's simple pleasures for simple minds...and this was certainly a pleasure for Tony.  The auction was for used balls, but many looked brand new.  Lots of them had advertising on them, Tony especially loved the 'Tony the Tiger' one, wondered if the Enron one was a collectors' item, and chose a few favorites that he'll keep with his other treasures. 

So many times, when we do eBay auctions, we meet the best people.  This one was no exception.  A feedback score of over 400 with a 100% rating.  He had a death in the family which made the shipment late and he took the time to tell us?!?  You don't see that happening much these days. He also took time to READ, let alone answer my emails, and questions...and everyone who knows me knows I talk a lot ! Damn!  Makes you want to ask for their mothers' email addresses so you can thank them for raisin' them right! 

On the downside of life, they just admitted Mark's father into the hospital.  He was so tired last night he told Mark that if he did't feel any better, he'd call the doctor today and ask for an appointment.

He called and they told him they had no openings until tomorrow.  When Mark found out, he called and told them that it was an emergency.  They took him in today.

He's extremely anemic, so exhausted he can barely walk.  The cancer has spread to his spine, shoulders, ribs, lungs and liver and possibly kidneys.  How he manged to keep it all together for the trip to New York and Canada is a mystery, we don't know how, but we do know why.  It was his last hurrah.  If you pray, please put in a good word for Pap Dave...he needs it!

And now...while the boys are at work, I'm going to tiptoe into the garage and pull out all the pink golf balls for myself, make a killer salad and chill on the patio.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sending you all a big hug...I'll be thinking of you all, especially Mark and his father. So glad they got their trip together before this latest discovery.