Wednesday, July 20, 2005

It's been a hard day's night...

Can you guess what we did yesterday?

Here's my first hint:

If you guessed a water logged cell phone drying are on the right track.  If you couldn't guess, here's another hint:

Now if you guessed that this is a waterlogged glove and golf bag and a few mud encrusted clubs, you're getting warmer.  Can you figure out what happened?  If you thought I fell in the lake, you are wrong...try one more hint:

Last hint...I'll never leave home without it!

My comment:  That was the longest nine holes I've ever played.  I can't believe how heavy rain filled clothes much farther it is to the club house in the rain than it is on a cool, dry day...and how much I realized I'm getting old. 

Yesterday's revalation:  I can ACT like a golfer, but I cannot THINK like one...'nuff said 'bout that.

The weary traveler has come home!  They came pulling in on Monday afternoon, tired and happy.  As my father-in-law said, "They can't take that trip away from us!"

I did give Mark the camera, but neglected to tell him that he has to stay still while taking pictures...therefore the only clear ones were OF him, not BY him:

Left to right:  Mark, Mark's great uncle, John (who is 92 and still traveling around the world) and my father-in-law (and John's nephew), David.

Along with a good visit with his sisters and uncle, Mark and my father-in-law explored the town where he spent summers with his grandparents, even finding their home.

They found the town cemetary and located the grave markers of Mark's great-great-grandfather. 

They drove across the Thousand Island Bridge

into Ivy Lea and met Sandro, the proprietor of RiverQueenHouseboating.  We rent a houseboat from them for a week each fall and they have become dear friends to us. 

Each year, we take our cell phones so that we can report in to my father-in-law.  He takes the trip with us, in spirit only, and has mentioned many times that he'd love to see the boats and theislands that we dock on.

This year, the river goddess was with them.  One of the boats had come in a day early and Sandro, who is a doll, invited them to take a quick jaunt around the islands.  Mark was able to show his father Georgina, Constance and a few of our other favorites.  A heart felt thank you goes out to Sandro and Patricia!


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