Sunday, July 24, 2005

hockey mama!

Did I spend most of this weekend at a hockey tournament?  You bet I did!

This summer, Tony joined a traveling league.  Although they did play a tournament in Pittsburgh, the rest of their games were in other states.  This weekend, they played a Pittsburgh tournament.

So I got to go and watch most of the games...okay, 3 out of 5?


On Saturday, I watched one game before heading to the hospital to visit my father in law.  On Sunday, I was the designated parent.  I attended both games, so I had the priviledge of watching one game where they won, 9-0.  My son had the only penalties.  If he were not my son, but instead oppositions, there are days when I think I'd take my child and go home.

They lost the second game, 10? - 1, and Tony got the only goal for his team.  They finished second but got these darling trophies:

to add to this award

he got in Virginia, and these:

for the season...Can you tell we are, among other things, a hockey family and are proud?

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